Hi-Therm Gas Bank are designed to connect number of cylinders to one common delivery line. Depending upon the process, duty and stand by manifolds are used. To ensure safe handling, the gas accessories are considered in the design. Cylinders can be connected or taken out even when the systems is in use.
Non return valves are provided for each individual cylinder in Multi Gas Cylinder Installation, so as to ensure gas from a cylinder
travels to process line instead balancing the pressure into coupled cylinders. Apart it also ensure
safety in case of pigtail failure. Flame arrestor works as a safety device. High pressure ISI marked flexible pigtails and click on adapters forms the cylinder-manifold link. Primary and Secondary marked flexible pigtails and click on adapters forms the cylinder-manifold link. Primary and Secondary Pressure Regulators are provided to set the operating pressure. Necessary gauges are meant for indications. The Gas Bank And Its piping are installed as per Indian standard code IS 6044 Part A.
Flame arrestors are used in Multi Gas Cylinder Installation to arrest the flame from reaching the highly dense area of fuel, in case of backfire and thus avoid accident and explosions. When a flammable gas escapes through the safety relief valve to atmosphere it must pass through the flame arrestor which will prevent the occurence of accidents/backfire.
- Click on Adapter
- Non Return Valve
- Cylinder Pigtail
- Main Shut off Ball Valve
- First Stage Pressure Regulator
- Second Stage Pressure Regulator
- Flame Arrestor